
How to Outsmart Your Self-Doubt

Do you ever feel like a loser? Last weekend, I felt like a card-carrying member of that club when the negative voice in my head slipped back into its old ways, spinning and spewing lies set to the soundtrack of “you suck and everyone knows...

Five Self-Help Books That Saved My Sanity

I love a good self-help book. Truth be told, they’re the only genre of books that I read. My husband finds this disconcerting. “Why can’t you just read trashy romance novels?” he once asked. I said something to the effect of, “Because fictional...

Stop Trying To Be The Bitch You Hate

Do you ever beat yourself up for not being the perfect mother? Ever think that when it comes to being a mother you should be good at it from day one and infallible from that day forward? That you’re a failure if you don’t make your own baby food...

Katherine Wintsch